
2 Noticeable & Immediate changes from 1 easy Shift

It’s Monday, and you’re probably, No- most definitely missing the weekend. If you’re like me, and pack too much into your days off, you’re feeling a little lackluster, and Tired. This change won’t cost you a penny, it’s always available to you, you can start immediately. The only thing it requires is mindfulness. Most people go through their days chronically dehydrated, even though we know water is good, water is Great, water, water, water! Somehow, we continue to get by with the small amount we consume. What I want to share is how instantly I improved two aspects of my life with a tiny shift, that reaped huge rewards, and it was all done with, you guessed it, Water!

1) Increased Energy
2) Revived & Radiant Skin

This year has been busy for me and my husband, to say the least. We built our house, got hitched, and I opened Empowered Body. Add, a huge family and network of friends to that, and we’re not short of things to do! When Monday rolls around, I’m usually pretty wiped out. One particular Monday, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and thought wow, my skin looks tired and Really dull. And I did one of those, stand 1 inch from the mirror and examine every square inch of my face, things. Not exactly the confidence boost you’re wanting at 7am. I was also feeling like a zombie, as far as my energy went. I didn’t want to engage with the day because I couldn’t seem to snap out of it, and wake up! I checked in with myself, and tried to remember the last full glass of water I had, and I couldn’t. Not good. I decided that morning I would refill a 50oz. water bottle I have, and my goal was to drink 2 of these by 5pm. Now, I’m not saying you need to drink 100oz. of water everyday. For a lot of people that’s beyond what your body requires. I work out, and teach fitness daily, so my requirement is higher than most. My experience that day was pretty profound. I started the day, exhausted, and fighting to find energy. Once I finished the first bottle, I wasn’t thinking about how tired I was, and that was around 12. By the time evening rolled around, and I was on my way to the studio to teach, I felt like a new person. It was literally, and figuratively night and day from the way I felt just 10 hours prior. Driving home I couldn’t believe how great I felt, because the beginning of the day I started off feeling so lousy. It only got better from there.

The next morning, I noticed that my skin looked completely different from the day before. My cheeks were rosy, and there was more life in my skin. Those two immediate and noticeable differences in my body and skin in just 24 hours, were enough for me to decide to put more mindfulness behind this. Since then, I’ve made it a priority to drink my daily ACV water in the morning, at least 50oz. throughout the day + the water I drink when I teach. It’s one thing to think that you want to or ‘should’ drink more water, but I actually put it in my daily planner. It’s no longer just a thought or nice idea, it’s built into my day, and it’s made all the difference.  I have more to give in my classes to my clients, and my workouts, I’m sleeping better, my digestion has improved, my skin looks and feels clean and fresh, and I feel more confident because I’m accomplishing more with having simple daily goals.

This is not a revolutionary idea, but one about being mindful with yourself. Being aware of how things effect your body, your mood, your energy, etc.. Allowing for small shifts in your routine to become that much more in tune. For me, committing to this small change of drinking 70+ oz. of water everyday, not only offered me physical benefits, but has been another lesson in mindfulness, prioritizing, and planning. It’s great to say yes, I want to drink more water, but if your goal isn’t specific, and you lack a plan of how to ‘drink more water’, you’re likely to not be consistent. Treat yourself with new water bottle, write out your goal in a planner, set reminders throughout the day, to help keep you stay accountable. Keep notes in your journal/planner, or just be aware of how you feel with this one little change.

We all have busy lives, and endless to do lists, but make taking care of yourself a priority for a week, and see what kind of difference that makes. I’d love to hear from you about your experience, progress, and/or struggles!

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