
Welcome to the studio!

Welcome everyone, to my Empowered Body blog! It’s hard to believe the day is finally here where I can announce the opening of my studio and the launch of my website! Opening this studio has been a dream of mine for a long time, but one of those far off in the distance, day dream, kinda visions. I wanted to create a studio that was passionate about fitness and nutrition in a unique and ass-kicking way, that is also accessible and welcoming to everyone. Ain’t nobody got time for cliques and bad attitudes!

Well the time came, the stars aligned, and the space I had been eyeing opened up! And here we are, ready to take over the fitness scene in Haverhill, and beyond. What you’ll find at this studio is a group of incredibly knowledgeable instructors that will take your workouts to a different level. It is my belief that even the most deconditioned person can train like an athlete, even if it’s working on their mental strength before they can see their physical strength improve. We will push you out of your comfort zone for sure, but you can also trust that we will always keep the workouts safe. Really freakin hard, but safe :).

Not only are we a fitness studio, offering some killer high intensity workouts, we offer a nutrition program that you’ll actually WANT to follow. Let’s face it, Your abs really are made in the kitchen. If you’re not on point with what you’re eating, I don’t care how many times a day you work out, your body and your energy will suffer. When I say on point, I don’t mean perfection. Life isn’t perfect, and our diets don’t have to be either to get the results we want! Learning how to approach food in a way that is realistic, goal oriented, but also fun and delicious will change the game for you.

We have so many exciting collaborations, events, and workshops planned for you, to help you become a more empowered, confident person, and in that process create a ripple effect for the people that are nearest and dearest to you. This is only the beginning and it already feels sooo good! Come join us!

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